Thursday, June 27, 2013

Dragon Trio guide coming soon!

ISo the gifted creator of Dragon Trio, Winston Jordan, developed a MASSIVE world for his stories. It was so detailed and diverse, he felt that he would lose potential readers with everything that is going on. 

Then inspiration struck!

He came up with a guide for new readers to pick up and navigate the stories background and bios before they picked up an actual copy. I obviously jumped for joy when he suggested it.

So now he finished it and it's in the process of being pre-pressed for digital, physical, and mobile release.

Stay tuned for more info!

Because we are teases at Theory Empire, we included the cover of the guide. :)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Looking for new stories for the Theory Project anthology!

If you are a writer, artist, or comic creator then you are qualified to be in the Theory Project anthology. We are accepting short stories, articles, art pin-ups, and comics for the magazine. Feel free to send submissions to for consideration.